Friday, December 16, 2011

Kisah Check Up at Specialist & Check up/Booking at Klinik Kesihatan

1st check up at Specialist RS, Fair Park..- this specialist my mom yang suggest becoz dari kami kecik2 lg mom always check up there. any klinik at Fair Park tue dah jadi umah ke2 kami la when sape2 sakit. memandang kan dulu our home pun berdekatan sane jea. then dari mom, sampai la both of my sister pun always check up there. becoz my mom said dulu masa keguguran pun my mom cuci at Specialist, on that time my mom keguguran baby kembar ;(

majority my fwen in Ipoh pun gie check up sana. at there, to whom yg merancang and ingin kan zuriat pun can meet the doctor sebab doctor will give to you the medicine to make you pregnant, insyaAllah. as a human kita hanya mampu merancang, and Allah yg akan tentukan.

check up at Specialist no need to bring anythings, just make sure bawak diri and when you register staff will ask you
2.Husband Name 1st day your last period
thats all hehehe.. and the staff will make for you Pink Card.

*ouchh baru la sy tau, the calculation its starting from 1st day our last period.

1st check up at Klinik Kesihatan Kg Simee, to make Pink Book :p haaaaaaaaaahh.. this most important, pasti kan you just go to your nearest Klinik Kesihatan with you address home ok?? actually following my address i live now, Tasek, i should go to Klinik Greentown, tapi di sebab kan nak gak Klinik Kg Simee, senang nak ke sini i need to use my Bercham address :) eh pasti kan you go to Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak ye.. bukan klinik kesihatan, bukan klinik pergigian :D

becoz now for booking/check up following your address, ikut kawasan kata misi.. so, to whom yg dok Kg Simee, Bercham, Taman Cempaka, Tambun, Tasek (just sesetengah kawasan) your booking/check up will be at Klinik Kg Simee ok? :D lain2 place tue i dont know la hehehe. but make sure go to nearest klinik with your place and make sure when nak booking/check up come b4 12.00pm sebab nanti misi2 will said to you when 1st booking it will take about 1 ½ hours, so kalu gie 12.00pm depa will ask you to come after lunch. huh, it's happen to me, dalam hati malas depa nie haishhhh!!

ok, the things yg must bring to klinik kesihatan is IC & sijil nikah only. and becoz hubby menemani, they ask IC hubby also. then, when 1st booking it take a long time pun, plus if that your 1st baby (got alotsssa things yg misi nak terang kan).

my first time check up, on that time my kandungan is 10weeks. and make sure come to booking/check up when you kandungan around 8weeks – 14weeks, sebab if more than that nanti misi will marah2.

1 - booking/register – 1st check your height & weight, then misi will cucuk your lengan tengah to take your blood..huhuhu, it's hurt sebab i dont like jarum!!

me : dup dap dup dapp.. hmm, sakit x cucuk??
misi : cucuk, mesti la sakit!
me : (geram nye ngan misi gemok nih!! cakap la xsakit!!) blooddd,about 2botl kecik la, depa nak cek tekanan darah and etc. then after, kena check air kencing gak so misi bagi bekas then ask me to makmal bawak sekali darah yg di ambil td untuk check makmal.

2 - waiting at makmal and after get the result pergi balik bring the result to misi.

3 – waiting for misi plak, then that misi will check your whole body + perut .. then from the result dr makmal misi will terang kan semua2.. my darah, tekanan rendah! so that, misi will give nasihat to eat something yg akan menaik kan tekanan darah. sebab tekanan darah must over > than 11.0. kalu below kesian dekat baby. for body plak, misi will tell about our breast either sesuai atau tidak untuk penyusuan. and will teach us how to care our body. (actually banyak lg, if refer from the book banyak lg yg akan di terang kan) so that, every month akan ada apoinment untuk check up, then time tue nt akan di terang kan satu/persatu. after selesai semua2, misi will arange date we meet Doctor for scan the baby. and the date must 2week after 1st booking/check up. so, my next appoinment with Doctor on 20hb December 2011.

that pink book ade 2, 1 klinik simpan, 1 kita pegang. Inside segala yg misi terang kan tercatit secara detail nye. so everytime nak check up must bring the pink book. ;)

selesai sudah, pity to my hubby becoz about 2hours gak la he waiting.. then, i ask misi the time sheet for my hubby only, sebab gov staff is allow to temani wife tersayang to klinik hehehe :D misi give my hubby time sheet from 2.00pm – 4.30pm, ;) thanks misi.. me?? memang on leave la, hehehe!

ok, thats all.. just to remember must bring SIJIL NIKAH.

p/s : cant wait to scan my baby with doctor. :) now just follow up with klinik kesihatan, and specialist sebulan sekali jea itu pun just scan baby & print the pic! Mummy & daddy happy bila tengok baby mummy & daddy da ade jantung ;)

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