Monday, December 19, 2011

Happy Anniversary 18-12-2011

pejam celik pejam celik da setahun me and hubby engagement.. ehemmmm, this is one of important me & hubby yang akan di kenang sampai bila2 :D

semoga detik indah ini sentiasa di hate me & hubby..

Friday, December 16, 2011

Kisah Check Up at Specialist & Check up/Booking at Klinik Kesihatan

1st check up at Specialist RS, Fair Park..- this specialist my mom yang suggest becoz dari kami kecik2 lg mom always check up there. any klinik at Fair Park tue dah jadi umah ke2 kami la when sape2 sakit. memandang kan dulu our home pun berdekatan sane jea. then dari mom, sampai la both of my sister pun always check up there. becoz my mom said dulu masa keguguran pun my mom cuci at Specialist, on that time my mom keguguran baby kembar ;(

majority my fwen in Ipoh pun gie check up sana. at there, to whom yg merancang and ingin kan zuriat pun can meet the doctor sebab doctor will give to you the medicine to make you pregnant, insyaAllah. as a human kita hanya mampu merancang, and Allah yg akan tentukan.

check up at Specialist no need to bring anythings, just make sure bawak diri and when you register staff will ask you
2.Husband Name 1st day your last period
thats all hehehe.. and the staff will make for you Pink Card.

*ouchh baru la sy tau, the calculation its starting from 1st day our last period.

1st check up at Klinik Kesihatan Kg Simee, to make Pink Book :p haaaaaaaaaahh.. this most important, pasti kan you just go to your nearest Klinik Kesihatan with you address home ok?? actually following my address i live now, Tasek, i should go to Klinik Greentown, tapi di sebab kan nak gak Klinik Kg Simee, senang nak ke sini i need to use my Bercham address :) eh pasti kan you go to Klinik Kesihatan Ibu & Anak ye.. bukan klinik kesihatan, bukan klinik pergigian :D

becoz now for booking/check up following your address, ikut kawasan kata misi.. so, to whom yg dok Kg Simee, Bercham, Taman Cempaka, Tambun, Tasek (just sesetengah kawasan) your booking/check up will be at Klinik Kg Simee ok? :D lain2 place tue i dont know la hehehe. but make sure go to nearest klinik with your place and make sure when nak booking/check up come b4 12.00pm sebab nanti misi2 will said to you when 1st booking it will take about 1 ½ hours, so kalu gie 12.00pm depa will ask you to come after lunch. huh, it's happen to me, dalam hati malas depa nie haishhhh!!

ok, the things yg must bring to klinik kesihatan is IC & sijil nikah only. and becoz hubby menemani, they ask IC hubby also. then, when 1st booking it take a long time pun, plus if that your 1st baby (got alotsssa things yg misi nak terang kan).

my first time check up, on that time my kandungan is 10weeks. and make sure come to booking/check up when you kandungan around 8weeks – 14weeks, sebab if more than that nanti misi will marah2.

1 - booking/register – 1st check your height & weight, then misi will cucuk your lengan tengah to take your blood..huhuhu, it's hurt sebab i dont like jarum!!

me : dup dap dup dapp.. hmm, sakit x cucuk??
misi : cucuk, mesti la sakit!
me : (geram nye ngan misi gemok nih!! cakap la xsakit!!) blooddd,about 2botl kecik la, depa nak cek tekanan darah and etc. then after, kena check air kencing gak so misi bagi bekas then ask me to makmal bawak sekali darah yg di ambil td untuk check makmal.

2 - waiting at makmal and after get the result pergi balik bring the result to misi.

3 – waiting for misi plak, then that misi will check your whole body + perut .. then from the result dr makmal misi will terang kan semua2.. my darah, tekanan rendah! so that, misi will give nasihat to eat something yg akan menaik kan tekanan darah. sebab tekanan darah must over > than 11.0. kalu below kesian dekat baby. for body plak, misi will tell about our breast either sesuai atau tidak untuk penyusuan. and will teach us how to care our body. (actually banyak lg, if refer from the book banyak lg yg akan di terang kan) so that, every month akan ada apoinment untuk check up, then time tue nt akan di terang kan satu/persatu. after selesai semua2, misi will arange date we meet Doctor for scan the baby. and the date must 2week after 1st booking/check up. so, my next appoinment with Doctor on 20hb December 2011.

that pink book ade 2, 1 klinik simpan, 1 kita pegang. Inside segala yg misi terang kan tercatit secara detail nye. so everytime nak check up must bring the pink book. ;)

selesai sudah, pity to my hubby becoz about 2hours gak la he waiting.. then, i ask misi the time sheet for my hubby only, sebab gov staff is allow to temani wife tersayang to klinik hehehe :D misi give my hubby time sheet from 2.00pm – 4.30pm, ;) thanks misi.. me?? memang on leave la, hehehe!

ok, thats all.. just to remember must bring SIJIL NIKAH.

p/s : cant wait to scan my baby with doctor. :) now just follow up with klinik kesihatan, and specialist sebulan sekali jea itu pun just scan baby & print the pic! Mummy & daddy happy bila tengok baby mummy & daddy da ade jantung ;)

I'm Pregnant ;)

salam!!~ hye blogger2 and to all my dearest fwen also xlupa to my alam maya fwen. refer to the topic hehehe.. lets sharing you detik2 indah+manis+happy when the 1st time i + hubby know that im pregnant. lmbt update sebab busy + kemalasan melanda diri ini :P

its begin..

10.00pm (10/11/11)
suddenly pening2 kepala then mata rasa mengantok sgt!! padahal xpernah pun nak tido awai and on that week huby xde kursus kat Bangi, then dengan pantas mencapai my pinky phone and give him text. “antokkkk nak tido da..” then huby pun meng'OK' kan jea, then terus call him or him call me kot, not remember lak and wishing nite pe sume bla2..zzzZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz..

my kepala still pening2 and guling2 atas katil 200x pun mata still xboleh nak lelap gak. tp ntah bila masa guling2 at last tertutup gak mata kecil ini.

2.00am (11/11/11)
suddenly terjaga!! becoz of mimpi yang bukan2 + perut meragam + muntah2 plak. memandang kan jam da lewat, so i dont text my hubby, pity to him. besok early subuh hubby dah nak kena bangun, so better i dont disturbing him.

huby call untuk bangun kan sy tapi biasa la, then continue tido balik..zzzzzzzzzzzZzzzzzzzzzzzz..

my alarm ayam kokok2 merunsing kan telinga then now baru kelam kabut mandi, dengan kepala still in pening2.. and for your information that day is Friday, so sampai jea office dok pikir lunch pasti pulang home sweet home :D ussualy on Friday memang lunch at home together with hubby.

*Friday, is last day on work week so keje xbanyak, aktiviti bebas jela yg memenuhi setiap detik masa ku..then open la my period calendar yg tersimpan in folder my PC also double check with my application in period in my pinky phone.. checking2, on this week la sepatut nye my coming period. but teringat something pelik happen last nite, then terasa nak pie beli pregnancy test hehehe.. (gediks sungguh, period pun still otw, pulak tue xde simpton2 pregnant pun miang keladi nak test hahaha!) , tp gerak ati kuat nak gak test.. so, lunch hour singgah farmasi Bercham, nearest with my home so balik sampai umah terus gie toilet then ........

-----situation in toilet : agak teruja la, nak tengok result.. then in 3second jea terus naik 1st line, dalam hati hmmmmm xpregnant pun.. but in 5second after 2nd line mula timbul.. erkkkkkkkkkkkkkk!! lidah kelu xterkata ape2.. ;) tp dalam hati berbisik Alhamdulillah di atas rezeki yg di berikan Allah. ------

keluar jea toilet terus kelam kabut find my pinky Phone.. ehemmmmmmmm.. excited sangat nak bitau my hubby tersayang!! but abah ade plak kat living room, so keluar umah and terus make call hubby. but hubby xpick up plak!! grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.. terus text him “ade gud news, call me back.” terus hubby call, but line on that time suddenly wathal then our line terputus, line Digi macam hampeh!! then using my 2nd phone call him back!!

me : hallo! sayang, ade gud news hehehe (sambil gelak2..)
him : ape die?? ape die?? (teruja nak tau tue!)
me : cepat teka!! ;)
him : hm, awk dapat keje??
me : eee..nope! cepat teka lagi!!
him : awk dapat keje , then dapat keje without perlu interview??
me : eeee..bukan la!!
him : then ape?? cite la..
me : sayang, saya pregnant!! (dengan suara paling slowww!! sampai kan hubby pun xdengar..)
him : haaa?? xdengar la sayang.
me : saya pregnant!!
him : btoi ker?? awk dah check doctor?? awk pergi check arinie!!
me : bla...bla...blaaaaaa..xpala mlm nie kan sy gerak kl, kite sembang panjang2 ;)

becoz hubby kursus 2weeks there, memg weekend planning jalan2 kl ;) tp mula2 hubby xbagi gerak kl, sebab riso dgn kandungan yg masih baru.. kira nya hubby yg nak balik ipoh!! tp sayang plak, ticket semua dah beli huarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. last discussion, sy yg gie kl :D then hubby said wanna to check up at klinik kl jea.. hehehe..

balik keje terus balik umah and abah send me to terminal medan gopeng, gerak kl naik bas, directly to KL Central senang sebab sampai KL Central terus amek Train LCCT ke Putrajaya terus.

hubby pick up me there, Putrajaya Sentral. then sebab kan dah lewat malam, terus balik umah. hubby keep membebel said kena cepat2 gie doctor la pe lah, haishhhhh!! mengelabah btoi, kunun nya nak tau pantang larang apa yg perlu di elakkan.

keesokan hari nya, ajak hubby pergi menunaikan hajat perut ini @ Shah Alam hehehe. my fav place to eat nasi kukus ;) malang xberbau, that restoran xbukak.. kecewa xhingat, sad ;( but hubby tetap gak helping me find the other nasi kukus.. thanks to my lovely hubby!! sebab bekorban demi wife nye yg mengada2 lebih hehehe :D

on that day xpergi lagi check up, then thats why hubby nak test for 2nd time using pregnancy test jea, arriving Putrajaya semula hubby singgah Guardians, nak beli kan pregnancy test lagi.. me just waiting in car jela, haishhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. pening kepala dengan gelagat hubby yg nak kan kepastian sekali lg. besungguh2 my hubby nie. agak nya die pun xpecaya coming to be daddy :p

sampai umah, he ask me do test the pregnancy test again. then test la, this 2nd time xdala teruja + ghairah macam 1st time sebab yakin 2line will timbul :D hahhhhhhh.. setel, terus keluar toilet and showing that result to him. then baru la hubby nie berpuas hati and he said balik Ipoh check up and follow up at Specialist dulu.

kisah check up at Specialist and check up/booking at Klinik Kesihatan?? will update to you soon, 4 sharing you info sket, gud for those 1st time pregnant like me.

*syukur ke hadrat Ilahi dengan limpah kurnia-Nya and anugerah terindah yg di berikan sebagai lambang cinta kami.. to all, plsss doa kan kebahagiaan kami and semoga kalian semua juga sentiasa mencapai kebahagiaan yg di ingin-ingin kan.

Monday, December 12, 2011


morning sickness @ 11weeks, ;( huarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.. loya2 mual2 tekak nie like 1st day tau pregnant!! dizzy + meloya kan haishhhhhhhhhhh!! rase nak bg letter resign kat b0s nak benti keje and dok umah jea..

i thought dah nak masuk 3month nie terlepas la dari morning sickness, rupe2 nye hmmmmmmmmmmm.. really hope perasaan ini, mual2 muntah2 hilang asap! PLSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!

Selamat Pengantin Baru

salam!!~ hye sume.. end of year nie alotsaaaaaa of kenduri kendara kan kan..?? wahhhh!! also this coming 18hb is me & hubby anniversary engagement 1YEAR!! pejam celik pejam celik da nak setahun sy jadi tunangan org hehehe, eh now bekas tunang la kan?? :P isk isk isk, kenduri yg banyak nie sampai penuh la our schedule till end of year nie.. thanks so much pada yg menginvitee.. kenyang perut mummy & baby mummy dalam pewut nie hehehe!!

wish you all semua yg bakal membina masjid semoga segala nye berjalan dengan lancar ok, and semoga perhubungan yang di ikat berkekalan sehingga akhir hayat, dunia & akhirat..

haaaaaaaaaaaaa.. nie sempat la begambo ngan pengantin yang latest Pn.Nanie & husband yg baru saje di ijab kabul kan di rumah pengantin perempuan at Seri Iskandar.. wowww!!~ tema merah tue, my fav color.. hehehe.. sambil menyelam air, samping tue gediks gak nak tayang pic kawen sendrik :P kadang2 bila tengok org besanding nie, rasa nak besanding lg hehehe!!

Monday, December 05, 2011

10 weeks!!

happppppPPppyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy!! wahhh.. sgt lama xupdate blog!! busy xhingat.. lately kena kemas2 umah & clear pape yg patut.. sebab new barang2 mau datang hehehe :D
opsss berbalik pada topic 10 weeks?? hehehe.. Alhamdulillah, pejam celik pejam celik da 10weeks.. pebenda yg 10weeks nye?? ehemmmmm.. sila refer board yg ada d atas nun.. saya harap kalian semua doa kan ye semua nya selamat.. ;)

hehehe.. senang cite now immmmm.. hmmm!! got to go lah, nak layan cite Dhia @ tb3 hehehe.. later will update ok?? mmuuuahhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!~