Sunday, October 02, 2011


hallo & salam 1 Malaysia.. hehehe.. wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! lame gile sy xdapat update blog nie, xde masaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa lah!! byk sangat hal yg happen sejak bekerjaya nie!! ewwahhhhh!!

suddenly, lepas berkerjaya nie makin busy!! tambah lak baru baik dari demam, & batuk yang xhenti-henti nie..

got alots thing happen! busy watpe?? hehehe, busy la dok preparing resume, borang pe semua 4 applying jawatan kontrak SPA Perak.. (hopefully la dapat ok?? PLSSSSSSSSSSSSS pray for me okay?? ) semoga dengan doa kalian semua, apa yang di impikan akan jadi kenyataan..

then busy with my new work.. now i got 2 project to manage, to anyone yang nak beli rumah or aset u can PM me yah?? somewhere in Ipoh & Taiping. ;)

then busy with my family trip, jalan-jalan, cuti-cuti.. eh, nak share mandi manda at Lost World of Tambun lah! but all the picture in huby's phone lor.. al maklum la, my baby Adam rajin sangat pie basuh Bubu nye phone.. huarghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!! tensen3

p/s : my baby Adam said "Bubu nye phone kotorrr.." thats why la dia pie basuh my phone!! dasat2 kan?? hhhmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm..

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